
WPM 415 C

WPM 415 C

Crystalline waterproofing


WPM 415 C is a specially developed chemical consisting of Portland cement, very fine treated silica sand and various active, proprietary chemicals. These active chemicals react with the moisture in fresh concrete and the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction, which generates a non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. The crystal formation follows the water back as far as it is present in the structure and permanently blocks the passage of water.

WPM 415 C is suitable for use either as a surface coating or concrete additive to achieve high resistance to water ingress. Rate and penetration of crystal formation depends on the presence of free lime and the density of the concrete. Old concrete may have no free lime present and needs to be determined prior to application.


• Deeply penetrates and seals the substrate
• Seals hairline cracks upto 0.5mm
• Becomes an integral and homogenous part of the structure
• Can be used as a slurry, dry shake & concrete admix
• Reactivates in the presence of moisture
• Suitable for sewage treatment and water treatment plant, water tanks, concrete pipes and manholes
• Toxic free: safe for contact with potable water
• Suitable for external and internal application for positive and negative side waterproofing


As a slurry – Approximately 13 – 16.50 m² @ in two coats
As a dry shake – Approximately 1.8 kg/m2
As a concrete admix – Approximately 0.8% – 1.5% by weight of cement

Pack size

20 kg
