
K 15

K 15

Rapid drying self-levelling sub-floor smoothing compound


K 15 is an advanced sub-floor smoothing compound. It is virtually tension free and is designed to rapidly level and smooth hard sub-floors prior to applying a floor finish. Used in conjunction with either ARDEX ENDURA P 82 or P 51 primers, K 15 can be applied to old sub-floors, e.g. floor screeds and other hard and rigid bases.

K 15 is a grey powder consisting of special cements and high quality synthetic resins. When mixed with water, a fluid, self-levelling mortar is produced which can be applied from a feather edge up to the required thickness in one operation. For thicknesses greater than 10mm, incorporate ARDEX ENDURA aggregate in the mixed mortar, K 15 can normally be walked on after approx. 2 hours at 27 ± 1°C and dries and hardens rapidly so that even thick applications are ready to receive floor coverings within one day at 27 ± 1°C.


• Rapid hardening – walkable in approximately 2 hours
• Rapid drying – receives floor coverings within 24 hours regardless of thickness
• Can be applied by trowel or pump
• Strong, high strength
• Rapidry Formula – It is the ability of the mortar to totally bind the water used for mixing


Approximately 5.0 m² @ 3 mm thickness

Pack size

22 kg
