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WPM 3100 BG

WPM 3100 BG

WPM 3100 BG is a unique composite sheet, comprising of a HDPE membrane, pressure sensitive adhesive and weather resistant plastic release layer. WPM 3100 BG is designed for adhesion with RCC and to receive heavy reinforcement without need for additional protection. As the mass of the structural concrete increases during the concrete pour, the pressure sensitive adhesive is ‘activated’ and forms a continuous bond with the poured concrete. This results in excellent adhesion through the development of substantial inter-molecular forces.
The membrane has excellent resistance to chemical acids,bases, alkalis, salts and other corrosive materials, while providing a barrier to water seepage from below ground. The sheet remains flexible over years, maintaining its integrity and continuing to provide protection. High mechanical properties of the membrane ensures superior puncture resistance, breaking & tearing strength, while enabling excellent heat weld fusion along the edges.


Length :20 m Width :1.2 m Thickness : 1.2 mm Weight : 28 kgs

Note: Other thickness and lengths can be customized based on project requirements

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Supplied in pre-manufactured standard thickness. No need to worry about thickness variation at site, unlike liquid applied systems.
Resistance to root penetration, suitable for green roofs.
Superior barrier: acts as a barrier against aggressive ground salts, toxic contaminants and chemicals including methanegas, which may attempt to enter the structure through cracks in the concrete.
Fully-adhering, watertight laps.
Good crack protection: stress-absorbing and elongation properties to maintain a watertight seal to the structure if cracks develop in the base material or the slab.
Flexible material that adapts to job site irregularities for ease of installation.

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