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WPM SW series

Swellable waterbar

WPM SW is a swellable waterbar based on polymer technology and designed for use in construction joints. WPM SW slowly swells in volume when in contact with water and efficiently waterproofs the construction joint. The pressure of the swelling action will cause the WPM SW to profile itself exactly into the joint and effectively stopping water seepage, even at high external water pressure.

WPM SW is suitable for all construction joints subject to hydrostatic pressure, on one or both sides. Movements in the joint (eg., shrinkage or settlement in the substrate) are taken up by the elastic profile of the waterbar.



WPM SW 110 – 10mm x 10mm x 100 RMT
WPM SW 206 – 20mm x 6mm x 100 RMT
WPM SW 210 – 20mm x 10mm x 100 RMT

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Unrestrained volumetric expansion of 300%
Flexible and swellable, can absorb construction movements
Swelling properties unaffected by long term wet/dry cycling
Suitable for all water qualities including saline water
Expands slowly to ensure non-disturbance of fresh concrete
Easy to install

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