Car Parking System – Functional & Aesthetic
23 Oct 2024
05 mins
Fast life, growing cities and luxury life style, creates the necessity of using vehicles. This not only demands for the broad road networks but also needs space in the infra-structures like parking places, garage, etc. The people have been exploring horizontal spaces to build car parks and thus we have abundant on-street and off-street car parks and when the empty horizontal spaces were being fast depleted, the infrastructure designers started exploiting vertical spaces that triggered in building Multi Level Car Parks (MLCP).
In the past, parking decks were left for the most part without any protective coating, and not even surfaces subject to high traffic volumes were provided with any form of surface protection. Vehicles entrain water which in turn contains soluble pollutants. The CO2 concentration is greatly increased as a result of exhaust emissions. Cracks can develop over time on the concrete surface through which pollutants can quickly make their way to the reinforcement steel, causing it to corrode and Spall. As a consequence, elaborate repair work is required. Quite frequently, the physical service life of the structure is compromised.
Some of the major problems seen in the car park areas are as follows:
- Concrete deterioration – Due to oil spillage, chloride ion contamination from the smoke emission.
- Structural defects – Fail in load bearings from emerging cracks and rebar corrosion.
- Safety shortcomings – Non-slip resistance, non-light reflectiveness, less signs symbols.
- Surface wear – Absence of protective coating over concrete slabs.
- Expansion joints – Lack of proper joint detailing fails to accommodate the movement and results in cracks.
- Waterproofing – Water tightness is required to avoid the reinforcement corrosion.
- Poor visibility: Parking area needs light reflecting coatings to provide good visibility and safe cost on power consumptions.
- Dark looking wall and ceiling: No anti-carbonation coated concrete allow carbon emitted from vehicles to penetrate in and deposit on the wall and ceilings.
If the above points are not covered during the planning and design process, the result can be an unpleasant, unsafe car park vulnerable to structural failures.
Car Park Coating systems provide a high level of protection for surfaces. Following are some of the benefits derived from usage of these systems.
- Surfaces are waterproof and aggressive liquids (leakages of fuels, battery acids and cleaning fluids) are prevented from penetrating into the concrete and coming into contact with the reinforcing bars.
- Addition of anti-slip aggregate in the coating system build-up ensures that the surfaces have a slip-resistant finish so that vehicles may travel in safety. The degree of slip resistance may be varied according to specific requirements (ex: Ramps & Driveways)
- They offer a high degree of mechanical resistance to wear and tear due to the movement of vehicles.
- Easy to maintain.
- Excellent cost/performance ratio over the years.
- Highly durable.
- Crack bridging.
- They have an attractive finish and different colours may be used to divide areas according to specific type of use (e.g. trafficked areas for vehicles, parking areas, pedestrian trafficked areas, checkpoints, direction signs, etc.).
- Light reflective and anti-carbonation coating to protect wall and ceilings.
Commonly available coating system for car park areas in the present market are Epoxy coating, Polyurethane coating (PU), Polyurea caoting, Methyl methacrylate (MMA coating) coating, Polymethyl methacrylate coating (PMMA coating), Maleic Modified Resin Esters coating (MMRE coating), Thermoplastic, etc. Chemistry of each type of materials are different to each other. Points like open time of the product, easiness in application, critical conditions in which product can be applied, working time, drying time shall be considered while selecting the product. Polyurea, MMA and PMMA dries very fast and does not provides enough time for working or sand seeding for anti-slip. MMRE coatings shall be applied at minimum thickness of 1.5mm.
Epoxy and PU coatings are very used friendly, easy to apply, not required high skilled workers and anti-slip/skid property can be controlled at site as per the requirement. Epoxy and PU coatings gains the best bonding to any construction materials and eliminates the de-bonding/peeling off. They are high in chemical & hydro static pressure resistance and water tight. Provides glossy and matt finish, easily cleanable. Available in many colours which increase aesthetics of the car park. Especially, PU coatings are flexible in nature and has crack bridging capacity.
Use Epoxy or PU coatings in your car park areas and get clean / problem free / aesthetic usable environment.
Protect concrete substrates from Carbon Dioxide Deterioration with Anti-Carbonation Paint Coating. Weathering resistant, elastomeric and UV stable, Anti-Carbonation Paint Coating prevents the ingress of Chlorides, Carbon Dioxide and Acid Gases to substrates such as concrete, brick, and natural stone. 100% breathable and gap bridging this anti-Carb coating can be used on all clean concrete and masonry surfaces such as car parks, bridges, subways, high rise flats and roofing.
ARDEX ENDURA manufacture a range of Epoxy & Polyurethane based Car Park Floor coating systems along with anti-carbonation coatings for walls and ceilings.
CPS 10 E: Epoxy based flooring system for internal car decks with average movement (eg: apartments)
CPS 20 ID: Aliphatic Polyurethane based flooring system for internal car decks with frequent movement (eg: Malls, Hotels, Multiplex)
CPS 30 ED: Aromatic Polyurethane based flooring system for external car decks
AC 20: Acrylic based anti-carbonation wall/ceiling coating
Our industry, like any other, requires on-going training to keep up with the changes in legislation/standards and materials. Our purpose-built training facility enables us to offer a range of demonstrations and seminars that can be tailored to your specific needs, ensuring total confidence in the specification and subsequent on-site application. The academy allows you to learn about new technologies including ‘Industry best practices for Tiling, Waterproofing, Concrete Repair and Flooring’ along with Technical guidance and product information.
For the latest and most up to date information and advice, visit the ARDEXENDURAacademy centres across India (Bangalore, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, etc.,). For Flooring Contractors and applicators committed to providing a high level of workmanship, ARDEX ENDURA helps them to increase both their professionalism and productivity.